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Debt crisis: Finland threat to plans to unleash ESM

Finland, one of the eurozone’s few remaining AAA-rated economies, has pledged to block Brussels’ celebrated plans to allow its new bail-out fund to buy sovereign bonds in the market.

A Finnish government report on last week’s milestone European Summit showed that prime minister Jyrki Katainen opposed plans to give the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) the option to buy government bonds in the secondary market.

On Monday a spokesman said Finland’s stance was supported by the Netherlands too. “Finland finds it an inefficient way to stabilise markets,” said a senior Finnish government official told reporters.

A spokesman for the Dutch finance ministry said: “The Prime Minister said on June 29 he is not in favour of buying up bonds.

Using the existing instruments to buy up bonds will be expensive and can only be done if there is unanimity (between member states).

That means the Netherlands would need to vote in favour.” After the Summit, leaders said they had agree to deploy the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and its successor the ESM to buy bonds but have not yet revealed details of how.

Without giving detail, it said the ECB “has agreed to serve as an agent to EFSF/ESM in conducting market operations in an effective and efficient manner”.

Under the current rules, Finland is ultimately too small to prevent Brussels from deploying the bail-out funds single-handedly but its opposition is a blow to leaders who are desperate to present a united crisis-fighting front.

The threat of opposition caused the euro to fall against the US dollar. But stockmarkets rose as traders continued to bet that the Summit agreements would come through.

The Stoxx Europe 600 index closed up 1.5pc; Germany’s DAX rose 1.2pc; France’s CAC added 1.4pc. In London, the FTSE 100 finished 1.2pc. Meanwhile, Joerg Asmussen, an ECB policymaker, urged for faster action to re-negotiate the terms of Greece’s €130bn bail-out programme.

He said in a speech yesterday: “The first priority for the new Greek government has to be getting the programme back on track.

Delaying adjustment is risky... And it is also not free: it requires additional funding from the creditor countries, because the country still runs a primary deficit.”

In France the new Socialist government warned that to meet its budget targets it must find €10bn extra savings this year and €33bn next year.

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