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Downing St insists there will be no EU referendum despite Iain Duncan Smith's demands

Downing Street has rejected Iain Duncan Smith’s suggestion of a European Union referendum, insisting the Government is under no obligation to hold a public vote on Franco-German moves to create a “fiscal union”.

Mr Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, suggested on Sunday that any major change in the EU treaties in response to the eurozone debt crisis should be put the British people.

The minister suggested that “major treaty change” would automatically trigger a referendum under the European Union Act which took force earlier this year.

But David Cameron ruled that out in a speech this afternoon, saying: “I’m not intending to pass any powers from London to Brussels so I don’t think the issue will arise.”

Earlier, the Prime Minister’s Official Spokesman said Mr Duncan Smith's interpretation of the law was incorrect.

“That is not what is set out in the Act,” the spokesman said.“The Act talks about triggering a referendum if there is a transfer of power or competence to Brussels,” he added.

The current talks about the debt crisis – which centre on creating a rules to allow Germany to support other euro members -- are unlikely to mean any such transfer, meaning a referendum is not on the agenda, the spokesman said.

“No one is proposing a significant transfer of power from London to the EU, which is what the act talks about.”

Mr Cameron will this week attend a summit in Brussels where Angela Merkel, the German leader, and Nicolas Sarkozy, the president of France, will outline plans to resolve the eurozone debt crisis by integrating the tax and spending systems of countries using the single currency.

The far-reaching plans have put Mr Cameron under intense pressure to deliver clear changes in Britain’s relationship with the EU in exchange for his consent to changing the EU’s rule book.

Mr Duncan Smith, the Cabinet’s leading Eurosceptic, made clear he expects Mr Cameron to put any significant change in the treaties to the British people.

The Coalition’s “referendum lock” law would mean a popular vote in the UK, Mr Duncan Smith told Sky News.

“The Prime Minister has always said if there is major treaty change – it is now legislated for – that we would have a referendum and he has never shied away from that,” he said.

“The British public will have a say, will have a right to have a say.”

Mr Cameron has said that a referendum will only be held on changes that mean significant powers are transferred to Brussels, a narrower criterion than the one offered by Mr Duncan Smith.

Mr Duncan Smith was contradicted by Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister. He said: “No, the referendum will only take place if there is an additional surrender of sovereignty from us to the European Union, to Brussels.”

Downing Street made clear the Prime Minister does not believe a referendum will be justified by the Franco-German plan.

Mr Duncan Smith is understood to have the backing of many Conservative MPs, including ministers, who feel that there is a moral obligation on the Government to offer a vote, regardless of the legal niceties. “It would be totally wrong to try to wriggle out of a referendum on some legal technicality,” said another Government source last night.

The Prime Minister was last month buffeted by the largest Conservative rebellion over Europe when 81 of his MPs voted in the Commons for a referendum on British EU membership.

In opposition, Mr Cameron gave “cast-iron” promise of a referendum on the EU’s Lisbon Treaty, but later abandoned the pledge when the treaty was incorporated in to European law.

MPs will today study plans set out by the Open Europe think-tank for an “emergency brake”, giving London the right to block EU financial regulation.

George Eustice, the MP and co-chairman of the Fresh Start group of Eurosceptic Tories, said that Mr Cameron should seek a legal protection for the City.

He said: “The UK government should determine future policy, not the EU. We must establish an 'emergency brake’ procedure in any future treaty so that we can veto proposals that are against our interests.”

Mr Clegg yesterday raised the prospect of the “whole edifice” of the EU collapsing unless fundamental reforms were put in place.

He said: “Obviously, we must protect British interests ... but any reasonable person must wish the French and German and others the best of luck in sorting this out.”

The prime minister of Portugal, Pedro Passos Coelho, yesterday warned that failing to find a solution to the eurozone crisis could lead to the end of the European Union.

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