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France calls for common G-20 trade finance rules

By Nathalie Boschat

PARIS -(MarketWatch)- France wants the Group of 20 industrialized and developing nations to agree on common rules for trade finance in order to foster a level playing field in international trade, French junior minister for trade Pierre Lellouche said Monday.

Lellouche gathered his G-20 counterparts at the French ministry of finance Monday "to start a discussion on a common rulebook" for trade finance, he told reporters at the end of the meeting.

"The idea is to create the conditions for fair competition," Lellouche said.

His comments come as the increasing strength of emerging nations, ready to throw their financial weight behind their export champions, as well as new banking rules under the Basel-III framework, are changing the landscape of the industry. New capital rules could make trade finance less profitable for banks.

Lellouche said large export contracts call for particular "vigilance."

"There are plenty of examples in which the seller in a large export contract already had the financing in place," Lellouche said. "We should make sure this doesn't distort competition."

Lellouche added regional development banks should play a larger role in trade finance, and called on G-20 governments to initiate talks with their respective banking regulators in order to make sure that new banking rules won't lead to a drying up of export funding.


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